A Brand New Year

First of all best wishes for the new year.
At the beginning of the new year everyone looks back on, what has happened the year before.
And we look to the future, everyone is curious what the new year will bring.
2006 was a good year for all Sims fans. Probably you bought all the expansions, and worth the money I hope...
In one year time have our Sims the possibility to start their own business, to get in te holiday mood, or luxurious items. And don't forget the pets, EA gave us. For all Sims fans a very good year.
The sudden blackout Simsnetwork had last year was a painful event, but Rosana could get everything back on the Internet. Slowly but certainly all components came back online.
2007 will be the year of the seasons. Many Simsfans wait for the newest expansion, Seasons. EA will keep us in their seizure, we hopes on a good expansion in which all of a sudden the Sims are confrontated with grills of spring, summer, autumn or winter.
What 2007 will bring, we still grope in the dark.