
News Archive - 2013

Please note I'm currently working on the new site. I didn't want to take the site offline though, so you can still visit it. However me working on the site while it's still online means a lot of the pages will appear wonky. But not to worry, it won't take too long. Happy

Just a really quick update to let you all know that I'm trying my best to keep the website up to date with news, previews, reviews, downloads and more. But it's hard when you run a bilingual website on your own. So please bare with me! Also, I'd like to announce that more changes are coming to the website. I can't tell anything yet, but as usual it's going to be AWESIM!

The Sims 3 Into the Future Launch Trailer

It's finally here, the trailer we've all been waiting for!

I am actually unsure whether this screen is new or not, but I can't remember this one, so I decided to post it. The Sims Russia shared this screen on Twitter earlier, and it caught my eye. Two Plumbots in the hottub!

Yesterday SimGuruCopeland hinted something on Twitter:

#Reincarnated 10/17

And today there is a new hint:

#MonsterUnderThePorch 10/17

I saw a tweet from SimGuruDelsyn earlier today. If you are in the area, be sure to attend! Sounds amazing, I'm a bit bummed I can't be there myself!

Retweeting this from yesterday. If you're in NY this Thur., stop by ComicCon for our "Designing for the Future" panel/…

Some info from the website:

The past week I've been a bit occupied with Belmont and some personal stuff. It's probably not a surprise that I'm busy lol. Anyway I did notice that SimGuruSarah was sharing cool concept arts on Twitter. I collected them in a neat post here for those of you who missed it! :D

SimGuruSarah shared this pic on Twitter. It's the Sims 4 team enjoying some waffles! Happy Looks yummy!

Waffle Friday on The Sims 4 team...

There is a new set in The Sims 3 Store. It's called One with Nature and it's pretty cool. A mixture between modern and nature! I already bought it, and might create a cute modern fairy house, when I find the time. Happy

One with Nature contains 24 new items. It has both furniture and clothing items, some of which for kids and teens! The normal price for the set is 1,200 SimPoints, but it's on sale until October 11 for 975 SimPoints!


News Archive