
Creating the toy workbench from The Sims 2!

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014 - 00:52

Lately the Sims Studio has been sharing a lot of cool concept arts of The Sims 2 and The Sims 3. Today The Sims 3 on Twitter shared how the toy workbench from The Sims 2: Open for Business was created. In 6 steps with images:

Learn the steps it took to create the Toy Workbench object in #TheSims. #YearofTheSims Stay tuned for more tweets!


Step 2 in creating the Toy Workbench in #TheSims #YearofTheSims


Step 3 in creating the Toy Workbench in #TheSims. Kind of looks like a maze...


Check out step 4 in creating the Toy Workbench in #TheSims #YearofTheSims It's looking a bit more recognizable!


Almost there! Here is step 5 in creating the Toy Workbench in #TheSims


Ta da! Here's the last step in the creation of the Toy Workbench in #TheSims.

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