
SIMtember 2016

Please note I'm currently working on the new site. I didn't want to take the site offline though, so you can still visit it. However me working on the site while it's still online means a lot of the pages will appear wonky. But not to worry, it won't take too long. Happy

SIMtember Prompt List:

  1. New Beginnings
  2. Inside an Object
  3. Custom Content
  4. Lights
  5. (Back to) School
  6. Water Home
  7. Gardening
  8. Matching Outfits
  9. Memories
  10. Hobbies
  11. City Living Loft
  12. Indian Summer
  13. Starter Home
  14. Autumn Love
  15. Throwback Thursday
  16. Simself
  17. Berry Sims
  18. Cheeseburgers
  19. Mid-Century Modern Monday
  20. Book Worm
  21. Autumn Interior
  22. Photography
  23. Pumpkin Spice Sims
  24. The Woods
  25. Shop
  26. Favourite Painting
  27. Cute Cottage
  28. Pretty Fall Colours
  29. Victorian Home
  30. Family and Food

Use the simtember tag on Tumblr! :D

About Rosana

More stories by Rosana

How to use the Stories

Everyone with an account can upload stories! All you have to do is Create a Story. Once you have created your story, you can Create a Chapter and start uploading your files! Your stories and chapters will appear on your Account page as well. And did you know people can comment on your stories?

The guidelines are simple:

  • The limit is 5 story updates per day.
  • Keep the stories viewable and readable for all ages.
  • Be nice when you leave a comment.

We reserve the right to remove your stories, chapters and comments. The stories are moderated.