Sims 4 Worlds: Windenburg

Take ye olde deep breath and enjoy the mountain air. This green, expansive playground has it all; lush countryside, serene and rocky island cliffs, a quaint village with remnants of the old world all nestled around the modern shore side business center.
Neighbourhood #1 (Old Town District)
- Partihaus Household - Factory One (30x20) §123,446 (empty lot: §2,000)
- Behr Household - Waterlock Redoubt (30x20) §59,766 (empty lot: §2,000)
- Bar - Old Quarter Inn (20x20) §62,961 (empty lot: §1,500)
- Café - South Square Coffee (30x20) §59,861 (empty lot: §2,000)
- Nightclub - The Narwhal Arms (30x20) §62,675 (empty lot: §2,000)
- Library -Quad Manor (30x20) §115,639 (empty lot: §2,000)
- Proprietor's Square (30x20) §13,570 (empty lot: §2,000)
- Havisham House (20x20) §17,206 (empty lot: §1,500)
Neighbourhood #2 (Ancient Ruins)
- Ancient Ruins - Ancient Ruins (20x15) §3,350 (empty lot: §0)
Although you can bulldoze the Ancient Ruins lot, you can't change the lot type into something else. Therefore it's impossible to turn it into a residential lot. This is likely because the surroundings of the lot are in fact the real Ancient Ruins. And if you were to change it into something else, your Sims can't access the venue anymore.
Neighbourhood #3 (Modern District)
- Park - Hare Square (30x20) §41,911 (empty lot: §2,000)
- Café - Hare and Hedgehog (30x20) §75,810 (empty lot: §2,000)
- Gym - Harbor Quarter Gym (30x30) §154,568 (empty lot: §2,500)
- Nightclub - Discotheque Pan Europa (30x20) §135,648 (empty lot: §2,000)
- Pool - Bathe de Rill (40x30) §150,347 (empty lot: §3,000)
Neighbourhood #4 (Countryside)
- Munch Household - Coorinberg Cottage (40x30) §101,770 (empty lot: §3,000)
- Free Spirits Household - Cottage Am See (20x20) §46,135 (empty lot: §1,500)
- Rustic Residence (30x20) §16,915 (empty lot: §2,000)
- Bar - The Shrieking Llama (20x20) §57,328 (empty lot: §1,500)
- The Summer Home (40x30) §3,000
- Fyres Household - Dresden House (64x64) §137,240 (empty lot: §12,000)
Neighbourhood #5 (Von Haunt Estate)
- Chalet Gardens - Von Haunt Estate (40x30) §228,934 (empty lot: §0)
Chalet Gardens is a locked lot type, meaning you can't change it into anything else. Which (unfortunately!) also means you can't live here. So the value and empty lot price are merely for statistics. The reason for the lot type being locked is probably because if you were to change it, the surroundings (the beautiful gardens and maze) would become inaccessible when you're not actively playing with the family living on this lot, seeing as the Chalet Gardens lot is the access point.
Neighbourhood #6 (The Island)
- Bjergsen Household - The Lighthouse (40x30) §158,827 (empty lot: §3,000)
- Mid-Nowhere (20x20) §1,500
- Pier Palace (30x20) §137,711 (empty lot: §2,000)
- Bro Household - Dock Den (30x20) §92,612 (empty lot: §2,000)
- Villareal Household - Von-Windenburg Estate (64x64) §274,620 (empty lot: §12,000)
Neighbourhood #7 (The Bluffs)
- Island Bluff - The Bluffs (30x30) §35,567 (empty lot: §0)
Island Bluff is a special venue lot type, meaning you can't alter it. Therefore you can't move your Sims to this lot. The value of the lot and the empty lot value are merely here for statistics.
As you can see, Windenburg has 27 lots. Which is 6 more than most other worlds in The Sims 4. However 3 of those lots are special venues, meaning you can't actually live there or turn it into something else. In theory you have 27 lots, but in reality you can fully edit and change 24 of them.
This is what Windenburg looks like with empty lots: